Archives for posts with tag: garden volunteer

It’s a new year, a chance to set goals, start new hobbies and a perfect time to get involved in volunteering.

It has been proven that volunteering boosts self-esteem, employability and health as well as being rewarding to the individuals involved.[i]

At Centre 404 we offer a variety of roles, from developing admin and people skills on reception to being a travel buddy for someone with a learning disability, helping them gain independence, confidence and build up a relationship.

Enjoy singing or playing an instrument? Join our band, The 404 Stormers!img_5201

Like dancing? Help out at our Friday Night Social.

Fancy your hand at doing some cooking? Our day service opportunities as well as our evening groups and activities can always do with an extra pair of hands to come up with delicious recipes and help out in the kitchen.


Enjoy the outdoors? Come along every Thursday and help us grow plants, vegetables and tend to our award winning garden. Read the rest of this entry »

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The Volunteer of the year Awards  organised by Voluntary Action Islington  took place on Wednesday 2nd November and it was a wonderful night out for staff and volunteers at Centre 404. We put nominations forward for each category and felt we had some strong contenders who have shown a wonderful amount of commitment and passion to volunteering with Centre 404 this year.

The categories for the evening were:

Young Volunteer of the Year: 16 – 25 year olds:

Volunteer of the Year: 26 – 60 year olds

Older Volunteer of the Year: 60+ year olds

Pat Haynes Memorial Trustee of the Year

Volunteering Team of the Year

It was a full house at Voluntary Action Islington with over a hundred people attending. 14 of us went to the awards from Centre 404, consisting of volunteers and staff and were warmly welcomed with sandwiches, drinks and cake.

As it was Voluntary Action Islington’s AGM as well as the awards we sat down to listen to the latest news from the organisation and were also treated to a magic show!

Alex Smith, founder of North London Cares, gave an inspirational talk about how and why he set up the charity as well as its sister charity South London Cares and the impact the charities have made on tackling social isolation in the community.  It is a wonderful charity that works with connecting young professionals living and working in London with their elderly neighbours through social clubs and a love your neighbour programme.

After Alex’s talk it was time for the awards ceremony. The team of the year was the first one announced and Centre 404’s gardening group were the winner!  All of our gardening group apart from Debbie were able to attend and were super excited to have won! We all went up to collect our certificate and were super thrilled to learn that we had won a three course meal, sponsored by Doubletree by Hilton,  at Marco Pierre White’s restaurant so we will look forward to that! Read the rest of this entry »